Motivation for Challenges in Your Business and Personal Life
Here's a little motivational thought that I was reminded of just today. I oftentimes 'recite' this little mantra in my head when facing something that seems a little scary...whether it's tackling a difficult project, managing an issue, going after a new client, starting a new business or really any "uncomfortable" situation life may put you in.
"If you do not get started, you will never finish. Once you get going, don't stop, push through to the end!"
The Affiliate Marketing Industry, My 'Happy' Place
As Friday afternoon comes to a close, I sit back reviewing my week in my mind and reflecting on how much I truly enjoy my job. It's hard to believe after 20 years in this industry and 14 years of having my own agency, I still get excited by our client successes and the opportunities to help new clients unlock the potential of their online business. I actually still get giddy. I think that's a good sign!
As I think about it all, before switching gears for a weekend with my family, I am reminded of a recent honor that ebove & beyond received a few weeks ago in Las Vegas at Affiliate Summit West 2017. ebove & beyond was presented with the prestigious Pinnacle Award for OPM/Agency of the Year for 2017.
I was completely surprised when the winner was announced, not because we aren't successful at what we do or that we don't work as hard as possible, but because we are a small, boutique firm that tends to 'fly under the radar'. I was beyond words (pun intended) and was, admittedly, a little choked up. I think you can get a feel for how shocked and humbled I was when you watch this video of the awards ceremony. A huge thank you again to @missyward @shawncollins and @affiliatesummit!